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MINDING YOUR BUSINESS. Keeping a Professional Distance

When you spend as much time with children as child-care providers do, it's easy to develop strong feelings for them. But keep those feelings under control. "You may love the kids and the parents, but you need to keep a professional distance," says Janet Hale, owner of Gingerbread House in Exeter, California. "Children will come and go, things happen in families, and while you want to be there to support the family, you can't let them devastate you.""I'm surprised at how attached you get to these little people," says child-care service owner Christine Srabian. "You don't want to see them go when they grow up."

Keep in mind that you're essentially an extended family for the children, and they're likely to be very candid and open about what's going on at home. You're going to hear things that shouldn't be repeated. "Keep everything you know about the kids confidential," says Hale. "We hear lots of stuff-that daddy hit mommy, that grandpa left grandma for a younger woman. If kids are comfortable and love their teachers, and most of them do, they'll say what's on their mind. And that could be that daddy left town or is in jail." Don't repeat anything the children say about their home lives, and routinely reinforce this in staff training sessions.

Article Courtesy (2015, July 31). 8 Tips For Anyone Starting a Child-Care Service

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